Saturday, 25 June 2011

Continental Cars

Two of the best renowned continental brands in SG's Automotive industry, Mercedes Benz and BMW which also wear some of the best OEM paint coatings that have high gloss index and tough scratch resistance properties. I noticed that alot of my clients like the black ones, probably due to the gleaming and glossy paint work.

These cars wearing black paint coats are certainly beautiful when properly groomed and maintained. Taking care of these black beauties will require close maintenance regime to keep the paint work dripping wet, these are certainly high maintenance rides not to mention the other costs involve to up keep them.

These rides will easily exhaust more than half a day of my time to rectify the paint job during the paint correction session.

"How often do i need to send my car for polishing?" This was the common question that i received almost after every session. The answer lies with you as it's very subjective and different drivers view their rides differently. Initial conditions of the Bimmer and Benz (below pictures) ...
Thank you for viewing.

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