The hand waxing test was done on the boot and i had the boot taped up in half. These were the pictures taken prior waxing.
The left side of the boot was not very encouraging after 2 rounds of AG SRP slapped on it. With the aid of the strong MH lighting, the deeper swirl mark was still quite evident.
The right side of the test was quite positive as the 2 rounds of AG UDS did made a difference! Most of the surface marring were taken care of.
The initial defects noted were significantly reduced after the first round of hand waxing but AG SRP didn't really made an impact after the second test as compared to AG UDS. Conclusion gathered from this waxing test... both products worked but AG UDS worked better for dark colour ride (probably it contained higher amount of fillers) and in this case, hand waxing could only do so much to restore the condition as this SLK needed a serious paint correction session.
This is a link which showed another SLK which was done in the first quarter of 2009, this car had received paint correction work using hand held detailing tool/ machine and note the difference in the finishing.
Want to know the exact condition of your car's paintwork, do it the next time when you visit a Shell service station, the strong lightings will show you "the way". Forget about the fluorescent tube lightings in MSCP, you can't see the real defects. Hope you have enjoy reading it, thank you for viewing this posting. Cheers.
This is a link which showed another SLK which was done in the first quarter of 2009, this car had received paint correction work using hand held detailing tool/ machine and note the difference in the finishing.
Want to know the exact condition of your car's paintwork, do it the next time when you visit a Shell service station, the strong lightings will show you "the way". Forget about the fluorescent tube lightings in MSCP, you can't see the real defects. Hope you have enjoy reading it, thank you for viewing this posting. Cheers.
Can I ask why you didn't remove some of the defects with a budget product to start with (say menzerna 203?) Then apply the SRP. You also mention hand waxing. SRP is a polish not a wax. Wax should always be applied after SRP to seal the polish surely?
ReplyDeletePlease correct me if I'm wrong here as I detail cars in my spare time only. It helps me unwind.
Interesting results regarding the 2 products though. I may have to invest in some UDS and give it a try.
(I'm not trying to be picky with my comments - just curious.)
Good work all the same.