Saturday, 18 December 2010

Subaru Legacy Turbo Revived

This car was recently acquired from the resale market and the paint work was in a bad condition. The owner attempted to DIY the car but the paint condition was just too bad to made any significant difference. Let's take a look at the paint work.

The entire car seem like it's covered with a huge cobweb and water etched marks, it should not be too big a problem unless these defects are deep. 6 hours was my timeline set for the day and the paint coating readings were measured.

The repeated light and medium correction combo managed to shift most of the swirl marks and water scale marks but the car was not anywhere close to my acceptable level yet. This close up picture shows that there were actually multiple pockets of RDS and deep etched marks left on the paint work.

The repeated correction hits were not very useful to these defects, i had to find other means for the correction work... hmmm. After toying with other correction hits, i continued to work on the paint work for the next few hours, these were some of the pictures from the 7 hours correction detail session.

Some more pictures after the final mopping up at the eighth hours... and i just saw a sms from the owner... i knew i'm late and behind time.

My work is finally done here and frankly, more could be done if the initial paint conditions wasn't that bad. The car really look better now and the owner was happy. Thanks for viewing.

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