Monday, 8 November 2010

Send A 'Miracle' Paint Protection Coating Please

These defects need no introduction, these are water scales/ etched marks cum acid rain etch marks + surface marring captured on pictures with the aid of strong lighting during various different grooming session.

Is there a LSP/ paint coating out there that can really protect the paint work in our tropical weather conditions? The constant rain and shine interval is killing our automobile paint work, leaving water scales/ etch marks and deep acid rain etch marks.

Surface marring was further induced when individuals tried to remove the rainwater on their cars after the rainfall through a wipe down session instead of a proper car wash session.

Cars that are garaged or park in MSCP/ basement carpark are generally quite well protected from this rain and shine cycle damage, but my concern are those cars that are park in the open areas as they are generally goners or goners-to-be after 5 weeks under the rain and shine conditions. (All the pictures shown above are captured from cars that are parked in the open, some are quite adverse as they have been exposed to the rain and shine cycle for many months)
Who has the ultimate LSP coating to our challenging weather here? We need a sustainable solution. More updates will be furnish once there's a change in the price of the fish. Thank you.

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