Thursday, 10 March 2011

VW Golf - Prometheus Treatment

I have to kudos to this owner because the conditions of the paint work is always in "good conditions", you may never really spot the minor flaws under normal light conditions... really.

I had machined this car once in early 2010 during CNY then and the owner followed the recommendations given. The fortnightly hand waxing regime really made a difference to this Golf's paint work. This is the exact conditions took during 2011 CNY period when i machined his ride again. Defects noted on the car were only superficial swirl marks.

I was expecting VW's paint work to be tough and i was spot on. Even it was just correcting these superficial swirl marks, i had easily spent more than 4 hours to finish the exterior of the car.

Visomax Prometheus products were my weapon of choice for this detail, the Golf was given the PS treatment in Golden Wax ways. ;)

Good job there by the owner, never expected the ride to turn out this way after more than 360 days. Thumbs up for his effort in doing his part of maintenance.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saab Aero 95% Gone

The car was parked under the tree while the owner was away for a short trip across the causeway, when he came back, it was close to midnight. He got a shock as he saw his beloved car was bombarded with fruits/ saplings from the tree and bird's poo as well... it was a horrendous sight.

This was one of the remnants from the bombardment (above). It hardens under the sun and bonds itself firmly to the paint work.

From the head to the tail, the Saab Aero 95 was not spared. The poor owner tried to salvage the car in the middle of the night and this were the damages inflicted during the cleaning process without him knowing.

This car is in bad shape, RDS and acidic lime etchings were almost over the entire surface. Some parts are pretty extreme and seem beyond polishing limits. Paint health readings were took for the major paint correction work.

After 6 hours of correction work, the paint work was about 80% restored, deep scratched marks cum severe etched marks were left behind on the car.

These were the pictures after the 7 hours grooming session, 85% of the time were used up to correct the Saab's paint work.

I'll be seeing this car again soon, hope it will not come back in this same state again. Parking under the tree for shade, you may want to consider that option again. Thanks for viewing.

CL7R - Rainaway Nanowax Treatment

This beautiful red Honda EuroR has gone through paint correction stages and finally finished off with Rainaway Nanowax. It is gleaming and sparkling like a ruby stone after the treatment, total time spent on it was about 4 hours, enjoy the pictures.

Rainaway Nanowax - gets the job done with flying colours.

Thanks for viewing, cheers!