He came, handed over the car to me and left for other preparation tasks for his wedding day. These were the paint conditions noted on his new car.
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Thursday, 24 June 2010
Toyota Vios VisomaxED
The owner was planning to use his own car for his big day and the grooming appointment was made last month, the grooming service that he opted for was our comprehensive polishing service aka full grooming which will take 4-5 hours per session. Saying congratulation to him was not enough, hence i decided to give him a complimentary Visomax Prometheus make over session for his wedding car.
He came, handed over the car to me and left for other preparation tasks for his wedding day. These were the paint conditions noted on his new car.

Paint readings were took and the paint correction work was quickly commenced as i wanted to return the car to the groom early so he can have more time to run his unfinished errands.

After checking the paint coating level, we assessed it to be as normal paint coating condition, good to go. The paintwork wasn't in a very bad condition, hence i gave an average of 3 hits per panel using Visomax Prometheus products and seal the car with PS450 Titanium polymer sealant. The results were good and i love it when i saw a delighted owner as he saw the car during collection.

He came, handed over the car to me and left for other preparation tasks for his wedding day. These were the paint conditions noted on his new car.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
BMW E60 New Car 'Prep'
The owner had waited for quite a while before he receive the bimmer months later. He scheduled a new car preparation with us when he finally received the car. When i first saw the car from far, the paintwork looked beautify. It was very glossy and shinning and i was hoping that it would remain in that condition. The moment when the working lights were switched on, the paint work revealed other defects which the word "beautiful" is not substantial anymore.
Buffer swirl and swirl mark were found over the new car.
Paint coating level readings were took before any commencement of machining on the new car paintwork. This coating level was noted to be high at 300+ microns at the bonnet area, too high for a normal bimmer. Well, it's definitely better to have a thicker paint coating than thin ones but i felt that there's more to it than meets the eye.
Paint coating level were took for the rest of the panels.

The average paint coating level was around 240+ microns and the bonnet was giving exceptionally higher reading at 300+ microns, here's another picture of the bonnet at 322 microns. The difference between the mean and the highest reading was about 70+ microns, my thoughts was the bonnet may have been resprayed. What do you think? A penny for your thoughts.
The car was prepared for paint correction before the protection detail session.
After the 4 hr paint correction session, we gave the paint another 2 layer of protection coating. The bimmer was left for curing while we sort out the interior cabin.

Finally after 8 hours of new car preparation detail, we were pleased with the results.

Sunday, 13 June 2010
Chevrolet Epica VisomaxED
This is quite a big car, the bonnet is wide and long and that becomes challenging for a short person to detail. It's really in quite a bad condition, after I assessed the paint condition, a severe paint correction session was inevitable before the protection detail session . Swirl mark was found all over the car and there were some random deep scratches which looked bad.
The RDS looked bad at this area, there were 3 little patches noted in the direction of the scratches. The RDS must have been caused during the process of cleaning the stain and the method of cleaning was not a safely executed one.
The car was given a Visomax Prometheus makeover. Again i was impressed by the Visomax PS products as it delivers outstanding results everytime. This was the picture of the near completed boot area while the roof was still being worked at by my assistant.
Swirl and RDS were found over these areas, that dulls the car appearance.
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